We offer the convenience of online credit card and electronic check payments via Paypal.
No Frills Pricing Plan
An excellent plan for the Internet “newbie”. An individual or small business wanting to get their feet wet and also on a budget. Usually a small site of 1-3 pages with graphics, a few links , unlimited e-mail accounts. May also include an order form as well as a page counter. Your own browser based control panel so YOU can have complete control of your site.
Plus! Your own domain name for $15.95 a year.
Usually, a one time set up fee of between $175.00-$250.00 and a monthly hosting fee between $9.95-$15.95.
Standard Pricing Plan
This plan is for an individual or small business that wants to go farther and feels confident about the possibilities for success on the Internet. This site includes 3-6 pages, with customized graphics, logos, photos, etcc. Perhaps music in the background and a site bulletin board. Unlimited email accounts ,and autoresponders. Access to a secure server with SSl encryption for secure transactions over the Internet. Customized order forms, guest book, Blog and page counters.
Your own browser based control panel so YOU can have complete control of
your site.
Plus! Your own domain name for $15.95 a year.
$300.00.00-$450.00, and a monthly hosting fee of between $12.95-$19.95.
The Success Plan
When you really want success choose this plan. It has everything you need. Your own browser based control panel so YOU can have complete control of your site. All of the services listed above in unlimited amounts plus a Forum and ecommerce enabled website to sell your products etc. AND top search engine placement $450.00 and up plus a monthly hosting fee of $19.95-$29.95
Custom Quote
You’ve read all of the above plans and you can’t figure out which one fits or you and your business don’t seem to fit in any of the plans? Then the custom price quote is for you…..just complete our price quote form and a price quote will be e-mailed back to you within 24 hours.